The study of random permutations is a lively research subject at the crossing of probability theory and combinatorics. Some questions and techniques used in this domain can be related to random matrix theory (RMT).
Some links between permutations and matrices are obvious. For example, it is well known that a permutation can be seen as a matrix with exactly one non-zero entry per row and per column equal to 1; understanding the cycles of random permutations is equivalent to understanding the spectrum of the corresponding matrices. But other links are more surprising. In particular, a celebrated result states that the limiting fluctuations of the length of a longest increasing subsequence of a uniform permutation are the same as those of the largest eigenvalue of a matrix from the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble.
The purpose of this meeting is to explore recent advances that may interest both RMT and random permutations communities. This includes probabilistic analysis of the RSK algorithms and variants, random partitions and particle systems, results on patterns in random permutations, the links with free probability, and in particular the theory of traffic, and connections with random maps.
This workshop is part of the 2022 thematic semester in Probability and Statistics of the Labex CEMPI. It is also part of the activities of the GDR MEGA.
Registration is free but mandatory. The deadline for registration is 21/03/2021.
Invited speakers
Charles Bordenave, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS
Natasha Blitvic, Lancaster University
Nicolas Curien, Université Paris-Saclay
Persi Diaconis, Stanford University (remote talk)
Valentin Féray, Université de Lorraine, CNRS
Franck Gabriel, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Camille Male, Université de Bordeaux, CNRS
Kelvin Rivera-Lopez, Université de Lorraine
Contributed talks
Guillaume Dubach, IST Austria
Sarah Timhadjelt, Aix-Marseille Université
Harriet Walsh, Laboratoire de Physique, ENS de Lyon
Practical information
The workshop will be held of Laboratoire Paul Painlevé on the campus Cité Scientifique of Université de Lille. More precisely, talks take place in the meeting room (salle de reunion) on the first floor of the M2 building. The talks will start on 11am on Thursday, April 7th and finish at 5pm on Friday, April 8th.
Here is a list of some hotels located in the city center (participants without financial support from the conference should make their own booking):